We require that you have no unaltered dogs in your home. All other dogs that live in your home, both male and female, must be spayed or neutered.
We only consider families that live within 2 hours of Syracuse, IN (46567) for guardian placements. If you live farther than 30 minutes from us, you must be willing to meet partway. We do prefer that all male guardian homes live within 30 minutes of us. You must plan on staying in the area for the next 5+ years.
Our requirements for Guardians
We require that you keep the dog well-groomed. Brushing must be maintained to prevent coat matting! You can bring the dog to a groomer of your choice at your expense, or bring the dog to us to be groomed for free. We will not continue to offer grooming if the dog is consistently brought to us with matting - we are not professional groomers trained to handle matting.
We require that you maintain a physical or underground fence to be approved as a guardian family. If you have an underground fence, you will need to go outside with female gaurdian dogs when they are in their heat cycles to prevent stay dogs from entering your yard.
We require that you are consistent and committed to training with the dog. We will enroll you in up to 4 training classes at no charge. You must bring the puppy to each class and continue to work on the training skills they teach you at home as well. Training is super important for any dog, but especially a dog in our program! At the end of their classes, they will take and must pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen test! If you wish to continue beyond this point and earn therapy dog certification, we will support you in doing so!