Crew is a mini, caramel roan tuxedo, multigen Australian labradoodle (ALD) with a straight fleece coat. She is WALA registered. She weighs 22lb.
Crew has a very mellow and biddable temperament. She wants to learn everything and please you! She is such a sweet girl and has earned her CGC (Canine Good Citizen) certification! She is working towards earning her therapy dog certification!
Oscar is a small medium, multigen Australian labradoodle (ALD) from Bunji Australian Labradoodles. He is a chocolate phantom parti color with a straight fleece coat. He is WALA registered. He weighs 31lb. Thank you to our wonderful friend Jen from Bunji Doodles for allowing us to use Oscar!
"This sweet boy is such an old soul and is very even-tempered and loving. He enjoys meeting new people and loves playing with other dogs. He cannot resist dunking his head in a pool of water, and although he looks grumpy, he is as happy and sweet as can be!!" - Bunji